International Harvester McCormick-Deering No. 62 Harvester-Thresher - Owners's Manual and Parts List

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International Harvester McCormick-Deering No. 62 Harvester-Thresher Owners's Manual and Parts List

152 Pages

This manual is available in: Digital Download


Belting and Belt Adjustments

Care of the Harvester-Thresher

Chaffer and Sieve Adjustment

Chains and Chain Adjustments

Choked Cylinder


Concave Cover Sheet (as Ordered)

Concave Grate Adjusting Plate

Concave Grate (for Threshing Crimson Clover)

Conveyors and Elevators

Corrective Measures (Cracking Grain, Excessive Tailings, Unthreshed Heads, Heavy and Light Crops, Loss of Grain)

Cutaway View of Complete Machine




Cylinder Drive 

Cylinder Speed 


Drive Belts

Dual Wheel Mounting Rim and Tires (Special)

Elevators and Conveyors

Elevator Drive Slip Clutch

Fan and Shoe

Feed Beater Blade Extension (Special)

Feeder Canvases


General Information for Threshing Various Grains and Seeds

Grain and Tailings Auger Trough Shield (Special)

Grain Lifters (Special)

Grain Pan, Chaffer and Adjustable Chaffer Extension

Grain Tank Unloader


Handy Reference Chart for Threshing Various Grains and Seeds

Harvesting Information

Kafir Corn and Grain Sorghum Heading Attachment

Lubrication and Lubrication Chart

Mesh Wire Screen Covers for Straw Racks (as Ordered)

Notched Angle Cylinder Bars (Special)

Parts List and Illustrations

Platform and Balance Springs

Platform Auger

Platform Auger Trough Top Shield

Platform Control

Pneumatic Tires


Reel Bats and Extensions for Threshing Soybeans, Etc. (Special)

Reel End Guards (Special)

Replacing Damaged Cylinder Bars

Screens and Sieves

Separating and Cleaning

Serial Number of Machine

Shoe Bottom Screens (Special)

Sickle Drive

Sieves and Screens

Slip Clutch

Smooth Angle Cylinder Bars (Special)

Special Equipment


Starting the New Machine

Straw Racks

Supplemental Concave Plate and Special Concave Bars (Special)

Supplemental Outside pider (Special)

To Remove Cylinder

Wood Cylinder Filler Bars (Special)